A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in an individual's view of how things work. Improvement will not become a reality until there is a significant paradigm shift. The expression "stuck in a rut" comes to mind.
Before modifications are possible, the present must be clearly defined. It is a challenge to look at one's self in the mirror and being closed minded inhibits the process.The focus to altering the status quo (by doing things differently) will be uncomfortable. Metamorphosis is often uncomfortable.
The process of making a paradigm shift begins by accepting the simple realization that working harder and doing “more of the same” is simply a mistake. Feeling out of balance in the process of shifting tactics is normal. The primary motivation is the desire to improve. Information is offered and applied to impact a present skill level.
New is often "awkward" and it is necessary to recognize this phase as part of the process. The initial results are described as destabilization...things will get worse. The key is to "stay the course" through informative learning (which precedes the transformative learning process). With practice and perseverance, new skills and behaviors will eventually develop (transformative learning). The phrase "Things will seem worse before they get better." is accurate for the sequence of a Paradigm Shift Process. Perseverance is paramount for working through the low confidence/morale disorientation phase.
It should be emphasized that if training were perfectly seamless, a Paradigm Shift experience would never be necessary.......In a perfect world.
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Paradigm Shift Analysis
July '18