Gigi's 1st Geese - Thorson Pond
On a recent dog training forum a question was asked about what puppy training program is the best. There were several mentioned which included all the ones that have been suggested anytime this topic comes up. There is a reason. They have been used often and received good reviews. However, success with a puppy depends to a great deal upon the teaching skills of the trainer.
Often times with this topic there are two students attempting to learn at the same time. That is why the idea of having a mentor is often a good suggestion.
Therefore, the above sets the premise for an applicable suggestion. Pick the puppy program that clearly reveals what a trainer should look like when properly interacting with his pup. This will help to shore up the area that many new trainers struggle with….seeing/reading and doing what a pup needs in the moment. This approach requires more than just painting by the numbers.
"The blind leading the blind" is an idiom/metaphor used to describe a situation where a puppy that knows nothing is getting advice and help from another who knows almost nothing. To avoid that approach, observing what it should look like may prove useful.
If you have a desire to watch a trainer working with retrievers, go to the following link. In the archive, there are random YouTube training sessions revealing many different aspects of trainer interactions. The random presentation of videos will require some sifting to find those that fit a specific pup/trainers’ needs. Observe and duplicate the YouTube trainer's interactions. Above all else, it is supposed to be fun and rewarding (for both).
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