2/20 "Pin Point" Marking Drill (marking - accurate & fast, steady, focused, energized)
after thought - train a fast dog slowly, did not "feed the speed" by rushing the
session, take even more time to settle into each delivery (don't let her dictate)
note: continued OB sessions early morning & late night
2/21 "Schooled" Triple with wingers & three cold blinds...one blind had five different factors pushing & pulling to the left...."duh", lots of handles and will visit "issues" individually then come back later to "tackle" this.....good session....except for the one blind....did only morning OB session
2/22 two sets of remote winger in-lines & two sets of walk-ups...good session, X2 OB
2/23two tier wagon wheel lining (semi-circle & right/left), "long" winger singles, X2OB
very good sessions
2/24 dealt with factors on a long, known blind, ran one not planned single and did
"a set" of three, longer cold blinds, single OB session
note: left a little uneasy.....because it seemed too easy (not complaining)
2/25 two remote winger doubles & two cold blinds run through each setup (mallards)
2/26day off except for the two indoor OB sessions
2/27 short lining & handling drill plus a two concept diversion setups with ducks, X2OB
2/28 longish walking singles with a mallard, X2OB (one with fresh "mallard in mouth")
spring revisit of single T
2/29 "pin-point" marking drill, 2nd spring re-visit of Single T & revisited lining/handling
session from 2/27
3/1day off Pounce 1XOB 3/2day off Pounce 2XOB
3/3day off snow, cold & vet appointment 2XOB
3/4 Whistling Wings - bought ten mallards...afternoon double & two cold blinds, 1XOB
3/5 four singles and three cold blinds with mallards, 1XOB
3/6 4th (last) spring re-visit of Single-T, "Pin Point" marking drill, 2XOB (one with duck)
3/7 six walking singles with mallard & got wet....briefly, 1XOB with mallard
3/8 two sets of cold blinds, 1XOB (in mouth mode)
3/9 HRC three singles, line time "schooled" triple, mallards, three cold blinds
3/10 two Y-drills & three walk-ups with remote wingers & mallards
3/11 group session, X-Box Drill, Y-Drill, two cold blinds, honoring, diversion bird
3/12 1XOB 3/13 two days off
3/14 two doubles & two cold blinds
3/15 blind & scent discrimination setup & 4 "stand alone/send back" mallard singles
3/16day off
3/17 group training, double & two singles plus five cold blinds (mallards)
3/18day off 1XOB 3/19day off
3/20 stand alone singles (mallard) and three blinds in one session plus a three blinds
setup and lunging water fun
3/21 "Combo" marks & blinds plus a three blind set and lunging water
3/22 "Pin-Point" marking drill, three blinds and lunging water
3/23day off 3/24day off
3/25 7-bumper lining drill 1XOB
3/26 day off 1XOB
3/27 "Pin Point" marking drill (5th time since 2/20) & three blinds 1XOB
3/28 four pile "combo" lining, casting, come in drill, two longer blinds 2XOB
3/29 Pin Point marking drill (6th time) 1XOB
3/30day off 2XOB
3/31 repeaedt 3/28 four pile "combo" drill & did "stand alone/walk back triple" 2XOB
weakest area 3/4 - tendency to go into "hunt mode" near the end of big blinds using
ducks logical solution, do a "ton" of shorter ones (less distance..more control)
the problem with this will be she is extremely fast (same speed on blinds as
on marks), may use a mini-configuration similar to Hillmann's "Star Drill"
scrapped that idea and went with a simpler version of Voight's "Valley Drill"
plus using ducks more often should make a difference
3/5 update: it did make a difference, plus walking toward Pounce on blinds
closing the distance created a significant improvement, ducks more often is
becoming normal (she can deal with the excitement.....now)
in addition, the stand alone repetitions have a positive impact because of
the many repetitions of "going away from me, turning and sitting ready for
what's next" plus by walking toward her during that time....closing distance
has enhanced responsiveness. The end result is quicker sits facing me
and ready for the next cast. And lastly, the high standard of sitting still until
asked to performt cements everything together (more "reps")
3/8 update: first day of clearly revealing the "us" aspect of transition!!!
3/9 update: ran a set of three cold blinds within a marking setup really well
3/17 update: ran a set of five cold blinds with a great deal of responsiveness
biggest question to deal with - what to use for identifying where the blinds are placed,
she "sees" orange flags & poles, short, black electric posts (even at an angle)
and fake shrubs at long distances......lately, trying to locate near natural "stuff"
seems like the way to go, but "stuff" is not always in the right place or I forget
and/or don't recognize the location when far away
update: decided to let all the skills become more entrenched and then
make it so "locating" is more difficult (gradual and seamless) like
making the "faux" shrubs smaller and more "blendy"
update: running longer blinds has made this less of a factor, she has to
accept direction with trust.......then as she gets closer and maybe
spots where "it's at" the handling skills are still sinking in
3/9 update: her taking a correct line skills have improved a great deal and
has become more willing to work with me...less self-employed
3/17 update: blinds will be placed using natural "stuff" in the field
3/20 update: six blinds with no markers - getting easier by planning ahead
3/27 "wow" factor on "Pin Point" marking drill
3/31 still in heat
February, March, April, May – training focus - starting Feb. 20
(then summer mode - Lylah no school)
trips to duck/fish camp (begin late April) & yard work = mowing lawn, etc.
Pounce average five days a week (twice a day, plan for ten setup/sessions)
group sessions (starting in April & aim for twice a week)
Kooly & Daisy average one training/exercise session (every other day)
water - begin with lunging water at the Retention Pond in late April ?
steady standards - less "wiggle" and focus on smoother delivery
maintain the “coming off the van & to the line” routine
continue the daily, "fun" OB routine/sessions (outside when weather improves)
start date - Feb. 20 updates - Feb. 21-29
41 days total Mar. 1-31
balance marking & blinds singles √√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√ multiples √√√√√√√
cold blinds √√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√
concepts √√√√√ diversions √√√√√√√
drills lining √√√√√√√√√√√ casting √√√√√√√
diversion bird√√ honoring √
bird-in mouth focus √√√√ KRD √
"go long" (200+ yards)√√√√
early spring re-visits single T √√√√ real gunner √√
gun at the line (HRC) birds√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√ walk-ups √√ upland?
shotgun √√
"fun" OB sessions √√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√
line time√√√√√√√ need more of this√√ water √√√ (brief lunging)
seamless sessions with extensive repetition = automatic reflex standards
focus & plan for predictable consistency = biggest challenge
training sessions outside
December 17 days, January 20 days, February 20 days, March 19 days
in addition, the indoor "fun" OB sessions were generally done twice a day
"Places & People"
Club Property, Bong "Rec" Area, Winn. Co. DTA, RockCut DTA, Sq. Pond DTA,
Kelly Meyer DTA, Sand & Gravel DTA, Riverside Park DTA, Retention Pond DTA,
Rockton Road DTA. "Deep Ditch" DTA, Duck Camp DTA, Grainary DTA
HRC Group (Rockford) & A. White
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"miles & miles to go before Pounce is finished"