note: ran the two older dogs six singles each and we headed for the swim-by pond
Pounce finally decided to NOT do what I asked on a swim-by (which was a good thing) because she now knows what is out of the water way early on an over....soooo, she was sent "back" out, cast over to the north shore and then was asked to make a complete cross over to the south = lots of "goods" from me and a happy tail from Pounce = much more focused after that and today marked an important teaching milestone....simple......just do it this way (show me)
July 21 van in for repairs - air conditioner went out and can't use for training until fixed (it does not look good 'cause it is old, very old with over 200,000 miles on it) 
            note: worked Pounce on a semi-circle wagon wheel in the yard (for reps & precision)
July 22 van "air" fixed (maybe) trained early at Winnebago County DTA  set up three wingers with primers, stickmen and mallards to the south........ran those, reset them and ran from the south (very slight breeze from the east)
            note: did not pay attention to the fact that one winger was in the same position as the
                      previous time we trained here. It did not influence the first mark from the north, but                       when Pounce attacked from the south, she veered behind the gunning station and
                      immediately went into the high cover, apparently recalling the same fall from a week
                     ago, then she adjusted, hunted the other side of the gun  and picked up the duck
            note: another"happening" was when she drove deep for the last bird and not quite far
                      enough and turned back south "seeing" the old fall from the first set.......duh! a few
                      duck calls and beeps from the correct winger station fixed that issue
            note: no more reverse setups 
            note: she's now run several setups with ducks, Pounce is by far the best about picking
                      up, carrying and delivering mallards I've ever anxiety and just simply
                      seems to be thrilled with what WE are doing

July 27 trained at Roscoe Riverside Park and ran four stand alone/send back singles where Pounce needed to "deal with" the tall, wide cover strip (50 yards plus wide and a longer "go" as the angle of each single increased (downwind with the sun at her back)
           note: very good on her "send backs", steady using varied, delayed releases & "fogged"
                     the cover taking straight lines to the "falls" = kind of fun to watch her rip through it 
           note: took a few photos of Pounce entering the cover to reveal just how high it was 
                     picked up and drove to Thorson Pond to continue working on the sequence of                                        water de-cheating                 
           note: each time we "work" on the concept Pounce continues to "get it" - today another
                     big jump in her skill level was made, referring back to notes from the 25th, she
                     definitely catches on to making an adjustment in doing things a different way when
                     given a chance - teaching is a lot easier with a pup that has "learned how to learn" 
           note: she worked each angle well and responded to the few changes in direction casts
                     and verbals that were given......she has rather quickly become more "watery"
           note: continuing to teach = no e-collar required
           note: the last "step" was a parallel swim three yards from the shore and her eyes never
                     even glanced at the close by shoreline - very cool session & another big step with                                  "good reps" during this intro phase of de-cheating tune-up drills

July 14 late morning - Pounce ran a three point mini-star handling drill at the Roscoe Riverside Park DTA using the mud volley ball area, many mounds that were not mowed made for built in terrain with several angles - new area and she took many changing direction casts really well
           note: two older dogs did a few retrieves and then we went to the swim-by pond for 
                    cool water and a continuation of where we left last time = just beginning overs in
           note: made good progress today
July 15 had planned a trip to duck/fish camp, but too many other things to do = priorities, did manage to train in the morning at the Winnebago County DTA and ran two sets of winger singles ("up" and "down" the road) second set revealed that she learned something from the first 
           note: found a tick on my neck which was a good reminder that the 15th is tick" med" time 
           note: three quilted and padded moving blankets work great for transporting the three
                         Gunners Up wingers 

July 23 mid-morning, left for Wisconsin field trial grounds to train mostly on swim-by in other water and did a thorough review of the expectations at Gallagher's first the much smaller pond was challenging for Pounce (close land everywhere)...we kept at it made good progress...still becomes locked on the nearest shoreline, but snaps out of it when asked........good session and much gained, drove to Stoughton (no one there) and worked on the larger swim-by area (three sided channel), Again the different look took some time to adjust to but she is beginning to generalize the concepts, did so well near the end that we did a few angle entry and exit "goes" which "upped" her skill level even more and her attitude was "up" the entire time......picked-up and decided a couple of easy, short marking setups would be an excellent way to end the day. A three winger land Y-Drill and three-winger pod water setup kept Pounce  in her "up" mode

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July 16 rain off and on today (mostly on) - no windows to match time = day off
July 17 morning - up early before Lylah woke up...with 78° F and 85% humidity in the sun and no
breeze a quick set of yard drills was the ticket.....rationale =  need more  "reps" on lining, delivery and positioning mechanics......used five spokes in a wagon wheel modification, windshield wiper version and alternated each "wipe" (of five bumpers) off the left and then the right side 
heel.....then we switched up to a three bumper slice of the wagon wheel casting angle backs (left and right) and straight backs (left & right) = mostly looking for sharp, accurate pivots - received Pounce on a front sit, walked directly away from her about ten yards for the next cast - very good session and she was breathing heavily = right into the air conditioned house and a cool bowl of water fixed that
​            note: 89°F with high humidity for today at 2:20 pm feels like 95° F
            note: pool heater stopped working and the van air conditioner quit, too $$$$$ yikes!
July 18 trained early - 75° F with high humidity and cloudy....overnight, heavy rain raised pond level six inches and water was a bit cooler (high in the 90's today), but we were home by 7:15 am
            note: did a strong continuation of swim-by.....treading water well with a straight, facing sit
                      and patiently waiting for a in several "reps" of swim-by with good speed, 
                      intensity and focus.....most of all "she likes it" = fun in the water!  
            note: a few more "reps" over the next 4-5 days and angle entry and exit work will begin
​                      the process of de-cheating

July 28 trained at Roscoe Riverside Park DTA - 1st setup for Pounce was a semi-wagon wheel lining drill - rationale = more "reps'" of heeling, sitting and delivering plus the push/pull & lining standards
           note: progress was visible & she likes to work
2nd setup was a split casting drill working on angle backs (left and right) and eventually there will be four piles working toward literal casting (sleeper goose decoys are there for more than decoration)
           note: this is a fun drill 
3rd setup  ​was her first set of "Walk-Around-Blinds" (punching through the wide, high cover where she ran marks in the opposite direction two days ago)
          note: normally would not let her fly through cover like that except it was mowed short early
                    this spring and "CLEAN"
          note: good day of work for Pounce and she was on fire running these blinds
          note: the two older dogs (Kooly & Daisy) ran a set of six singles which gave Pounce a rest
                    in between her sessions

July 24 day of
July 25 up early & setup by 6:15 am - beat the heat & time needed for "other things" - set up the "next step" in Pounce's swim-by process......."The Challenge"- moved swim-by line much closer
to the shoreline
            note: a couple of days ago Pounce was given the opportunity to "generalize"he concepts
                      of swim-by on two different swim-by ponds plus do a very basic intro angle
                      entry/exits in unfamiliar water, the challenge was to now go back to familiar terrain
                      and teach/learn about NOT cheating there
            note: her penchant to cheat was/is enhanced by being smart about which way is quicker
                      and apparently in her mind better...sees and remembers all, which in a way makes                        it easier to TEACH a different way to deal with getting from A to B in a straight line. 
                     She is focused on what is expected when it becomes a conditioned response
                     and Pounce is becoming more in tune with embracing  the  "show me what you
                     want" approach....teamwork is cool!
​   step # 1 ran the "challenge swim-by" did well & then repeated it
   step #2  ran, repeated & taught two angle entry/exits (this went well proceeded to step #3)
   step #3  ran parallel swim twice (entry & exit ) and "walked it" using verbal praise when her
                  focus was correct (eyes) = fast, solid, cool and calm
           note: super good session, not necessarily because Pounce was perfect, but because
                     she  responded well when "adjustments" were asked for (verbals and visuals)
           note: did NOT use the e-collar.....just stayed in the  "finessed fun mode"

            note: five weeks 'til early Illinois goose season & six weeks 'til Illinois early teal
​           note: heat index in the lower 90's this afternoon

July 26​ left house at 9:30 am cloud cover made it seem more comfortable & trained at the Roscoe Riverside Park DTA
1st session: started with three cold blinds run across a wide 50+ yard knee high cover drainage ditch with ducks 25 yards out into short, mowed grass past the ditch.....with about 20 yards of mowed grass to the cover......Pounce had issues with punching through that cover and wanted to hunt, slowed down, walked closer and got her to the blind, 2nd not quite as difficult....but then wanted to work toward the first blind area......last one better....but still broke down in the cover.....OK, filed that issue away = not prepared 
2nd session: ran 3 blinds in short cover (different area) reviewing lining process = went well
           note: had a break in the action and rest for Pounce as Daisy & Kooly ran three singles
                     worked the "stable sit" in "stand alones" by first doing a short, 50 yard Y-Drill and
                     walking back to the to line to release her (used mallards) =  broke on one, stopped
                     her, picked up that mallard and sent her back to the line for a re-run
3rd session: - ran four long "stand alone/send back" singles across the same wide cover strip that she was breaking down in when we ran blinds earlier, used mallard for marks = straight as an arrow and "flew" to each AOF retrieve plus these were the most difficult "send backs" she's ever had.......solid at the line (this set) and made her wait 
           note: next time introducing new cover or factor first use marks (before running blinds)
           note: positive attitude all morning  (except she was not thrilled with the one "pickup")
           note: she's a "tuff little cookie" with a "big motor" and no quit 

July 10  afternoon & busy day for others - squeezed in a training session with the "temps" upper
seventies and not much breeze - Pounce did the mini-star handling drill with about eight retrieves and headed right for the pond doing two quick retrieves to the north swim-by pile, then back to the van and her cooling fan crate
           note: Daisy & Kooly then went with me to pick-up the remaining gear from Pounce's drill
                     and each did three retrieves (taking turns - exercise/fun) after this brief break,     
                     the van was moved to the other side of the pond where Pounce did two more
                     water retrieves (in the opposite direction), then we did four, short exciting/fun"                          marks through the shoulder high weeds on the north sided of the pond, quick"                             sessions for all followed by a five minute ​drive back to the air-conditioned house
July 11 it looked like a day with no time slot available in the morning and rain in the afternoon, however, we were able to get to the pond and run a few of the over piles (three one way and two the other) and then ran some fun, short retrieves thru the high weed shoreline to the west = Pounce's enthusiasm for water has sky "rocketed" - scouted the close areas for any mowing 
July 12 Sunday was to be a "Sand Pond" afternoon (see June 28th journal entry),  but first
we went to Thorson Pond (being used for swim-by). Today the "ante was upped".......her first sit in water was super (treading water, squarely facing me and took the first cast) and now there were more than just one target with choices in four direction plus the concept of a "helper bumper" was introduced.....eventually ended up swimming in four different directions when asked, like it was no
big deal.....body language read, "I'm good with all this. It's fun! 
           note: loaded up and took the five minute drive to the "Sandy Lake". Walking and romping
                     along the shoreline, Pounce retrieve five water/land doubles with the memories
                     thrown up into scrub brush and the "go bumper" out into the clear, cool and deep 
                     lake....just another exciting day. 
July 13 Pounce trained mid-morning after a thunderstorm moved through, picked up my oldest Grandson (31 years old) and headed for the Roscoe Riverside Park DTA - worked with him a few weeks ago at throwing bumpers and he was ready......setup the "Ha-Ha" Singles drill with three stickmen at 75, 110 and 150 yards in light cover - bird boy in white, six singles right then left from each station and DT 3" white bumpers - good throws and Pounce "nailed" each mark = fun,
no pressure........just "fly"........Grandson looked sharp in a white coat and did well loaded Pounce and with her Endless Breeze Fan on high, we drove to the Roscoe Retention Pond for two, long swim water singles - one side to the other and that went well​

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July 31 trained at Riverside park first and did three stand alone "walk back" doubles
           note: Pounce was rock solid steady on all three, ran the memory "ducks" really well,
                     but for some reason back-sided the "go duck"...possibly because of my walking back
                     to the line and "walked back" scent since the wind was a cross wind to the right 
                     (never had her backside a gun before.and this is a "new expectation" (she did
                     consistently work back behind the station to pick up each memory) 
second (after Kooly and Daisy ran six mallard singles) moved west to the wide cover strip and ran two cold blinds with mallards farther south in a new area - she's use to running through high cover now and after blasting straight through the 50+ yard, hip high cover, she three whistled the first and lined the second (easy to see in the shorter grass beyond if within 10 yards) 
third ​set up a 3-Peat water blind exercise at Thorson Pond using yesterday's newly trimmed north shore and a "walk around" - first time going across the pond in a new area away from the east end swim-by
            note: nothing seems to phase her and afterwards was zipping around blowing off steam

July 30 early morning at Thorson Pond did a wagon wheel lining drill (all the way around) - first right side and second left side (super job)' put her up and ran the older dogs on six singles, then Pounce ran a wagon wheel casting drill - casting back to a placeboard and alternating bumpers around to the two backs......she's got this "down", but the "reps" are what's important, working for automatic reflex skills next up was a short drive down the lane to Thorson Pond where Pounce revealed that the amazing tune-up drill session we had last time wasn't a "done deal" - worked at it and made some progress......mostly not doing just what she felt like "in the moment".....kept "up beat" the entire session which makes it much easier in the long run......picked up and drove past Rockton Road DTA which has not been mowed all spring.......the one side had thick weed stems sticking up = not good....went to east side and a very long 40 yard strip of grass was mowed.....Pounce ran two "stand alone - "walk back" doubles
          big note to self: work on throwing marks next to woods or tall cover....SUCTION!
went back to Thorson Pond and with the van parked in the shade, the next hour and a half was spent whacking weeds on the north shore of Thorson Pond........felt my age getting the best of me this morning, but finished off two tanks of gas before running out myself (in the 90's this afternoon)

July 29 day off - worked on boat and a "long list"  

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Does Pounce see the same thing the camera captures?    
​                 not
e: always be aware of the dog's view. 

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Land Y-Drill Pod                       Water Y-Drill Pod

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​July 9 morning - left for the W- Property and it was occupied, checked Stoughton on the way to Gallaghers and it was empty, set up three remote wingers with primers and loaded them using
fresh mallards & another set of three was done to the south, finished with a two winger "fire drill", 176 yard stretch single off the north slope, need to establish a consistent marking progression and today was a good start   

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July 2 trained next to the Square Pond and worked on the "Power Cast" (she has that down "pat" on land), moved to the "wall of weeds" (chest high) at the east end shoreline of the Square Pond and did two left & two right power casts, Pounce charge hard through the weeds to make each water retrieve, after a short break Pounce did five "send back" retrieves of a mallard up a wide erosion strip in the corn field, alternating sides.....each mark was longer and required running through old falls, "no issues" and sharp with the longest about 100 yards

             note: used primer pistol or each single (no issues)

July 3 morning - trained with a large group at the Stoughton property, Pounce did fine with the group, trucks, other dogs and a totally new activity....however, a few areas that need work were rather obvious..., 1) coming back to the gunner as a result of probably too much training with "send backs" and she has had practically no experience with a "helping gunner", 2) cheating? she has not done any swim-by, 3) distance has not been stretched enough (with very little repetition) and fresh ducks were "more interesting" (not as responsive to giving them up). 
             note: there were several unfamiliar distractions during the morning and considering
              was time very well spent            
​There's work to be done. She's almost ready to start swim-by, my Grandson will help in the field (need to train him, too) and fresh ducks will be regularly thrown. 
July 4 day off
July 5 trip to the Mississippi River - Pounce trained off a placeboard with Daisy, each took turns retrieving - 1st object was a 3" white DT bumper, 2nd object was a canvasback Dokken and the 3rd was a full sized Dokken Canada goose 
            note: it took some work, but Pounce figured out "open wide" works
            note: Pounce was good with the honoring expectation 
July 6 early morning at a nearby training area (4 minutes from camp) Pounce ran A version of Hllmann's "star drill".....three flags with a 60 degree angle - lined each a few times and on the other sends was whistle sat en route to be cast to a different pile.... rationale = working on casting & lining
           note: she learns quickly
           note: stopped at "Whistling Wings" on the way home to buy six training
                     mallards for the freezer & Pounce
July 7 cool morning (upper 60's) - trained at the Square Pond DTA set up a three pile casting/lining drill similar to what we did yesterday morning, but in a different area....essentially, it is a "one day" setup  - she is taking casts and lining well, "loopy" sit is getting shorter
           note: one of the piles was across a high weed ditch (she's run singles across
                     it before so there weren't any problems) 
​after the Micro-Star, Pounce was placed in her crate with the Endless Breeze fan on high. The next 45 minutes were spent weed whacking the east shoreline of Thorson Pond.  Pounce came out and worked some carefully placed bumpers as an "intro" to the swim-by area. did a "pile" and tossed several bumpers from the end of the pond where the exit will be for swim-by, did a few whistle sits in water and asked her to change direction.....she does just about anything I ask of her - this informal intro to this swim-by area went smoothly and she is already familiar with the pond
           note: used "weed whacker" for the grass, but the cattails required a swinging, human
                     powered cutter plus hip boots for the shoreline access (the ski pole was a great,
                   "extra leg" stabilizer)    
           note: finished with a 100 yard "walk out land blind" in a new spot to shake off a little water
                     and Pounce ran it full speed
July 8 morning - trained at Thorson Pond DTA and began Swim-By, trimmed weeds around most of the east end of the pond and established a pile on the north side in the morning, then did a second pile on the south side in the late afternoon = these will eventually become the "over" piles with the "back" pile in the open end to the west (Google photo) 

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July 1 - early morning, Pounced trained at the "W Property" which is owned and managed by the Madison Retriever Club. Setup three remote wingers as wide singles, Pounce drove well off the line and got the two wide marks, but ended up on the backside of the middle one....however, she finally figured it out
              note: this was more of a "measuring stick" to see where she was comfortable with
                        "nailing" the marks and will cut back about 25 yards as our starting point (stay at
                        100 yards or less for a week)  
              note: she is flying with high speed and will need to delay her release for more focus and                         control, planning to have her "taking turns" with an older dog twice a week in July
                        will be on the list of "to does"
drove over to Hook Lake to introduce Pounce to lily pads with white lotus flowers
              note: today didn't go quite as planned, but we accomplished a lot

Hook Lake, Wisconson

         Hook Lake - Wisconsin
   Where's the white bumper?

July 19 another very hot day & locked in to stay at home (other priorities), however, up very early to do some "yard work" before "other stuff takes over" = turned out to be very interesting 
            note: Pounce has done really well in several areas 1) her casting and handling in
                      Hillmann's star drills are excellent (knows casting and sees target), walk-out blinds
                      are too easy (sees spot and has what appears to be a photographic memory),
                      lining drills with white bumpers always seem simple right from the start, identified
                      piles are a "quick do"..... forward to this morning. setup Hillmann's seven bumper
                      lining drill (mostly for a quick session of exercise because she is very good at it)
                      only I used 3" orange bumpers (THEY ARE CLOSE and in very short grass)
                      and evidently invisible.....after a brief realization that the drill was going no where,
                      white bumpers replaced the orange and she was instantly animated, precise and
                      totally confident, next step was to throw two orange bumpers out as a short, narrow
                      double....."no off" the last down and send for the first.......she was all over these
                      (motion}, AOF and marking skills have been fully developed, she knew what to do
                      with these motion placed orange bumpers and exactly where they fell
             conclusion: move directly to "discovering" cold blinds with unknown destinations

      Gunny’s “cold fan” - July 15, 2008
                          whelped June 6, 2007
      Pounce’s “cold fan”  - July 20, 2015
                          whelped June 5, 2014 

July 20 early morning, setup Pounce's five cold blinds in a fan shape at Roscoe Riverside Park at a distance of about 125 yards, no problem getting her "out there", couple of whistle sits and casts had her pick up one of the middle three, things went so well we did three more, the last and fifth
required walking out because she started to "ping-pong", but her body language was all "hooray for our side" when she picked up the last one​ (very animated and zippy)