Sept 15-16 two days off
note: taking Kooly off the low fat dog food
Sept 17 both ran three singles off Pounce's Y-Drill setup - quick and easy
as the setup was taken out of the field with no extra "steps" to train the older dogs
Sept 18-19 two days off
Sept 20 in tandem marking drill setup (like Pounce's) in the wheat field
Sept 21 repeated in a different (new terrain and wind direction)
note: keeping in shape for hunting season
Sept 22 trip to vets for Daisy's shot updates including rabies and a quick
check with Kooly on what to do about his weight loss
Sept 23 another day off & Kooly had nothing to suggest health problems, need to up intake with more frequent feedings
Sept 24-25 two days off - major breakdown of "dog van" = replacing ENTIRE front end
Sept 26 three quick singles "in tandem" = exerciser
Sept 27repeated yesterday
Sept 28 day off
Sept 29-31 three days off worked on "big" boat wiring issues and finished new changes to the Migrator = trolling motor bracket, running lights and oar extension modifications plus getting ready for the Iowa Opener
This concludes the Kooly & Daisy "Journal " and all subsequent training and hunting entries will be in Pounce's Journal.
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June 17 trained at The Square Pond DTA after Pounce ran single T. They
both ran five "solo" singles in tandem using send backs to the
mark for each was not their's and picked up by the dog in the field to
re-enforce being steady. Both are very at ease with this type of setup.
note: quick, easy and fun
June 18 day off
June 19 Kooly & Daisy trained in the yard - setup a dog hide for honoring
and did the 2 bumper push/pull, remote drop and "no'ing off" the last
tossed bumper lining drill.....rationale - need exercise, working on control
and focus plus honoring and nurturing responsiveness with fun as the
June 20 trained early - in the upper 50's at 6:30 am....Daisy & Kooly ran six
"send back/stand alone" singles in tandem at the Square Pond DTA
(after Pounce ran her single T)
June 21 early morning - Kooly & Daisy individually ran the same drill that
Pounce ran first (in the yard)
June 22 day off
June 23 Kooly & Daisy had a free romp as the setup for Pounce was put out and then picked up afterwards (with a few fun bumpers thrown in)"
June 24 both ran a set of three "stand alone/send back" singles in tandem at Roscoe Riverside Park DTA
June 25 day off
June 26 Daisy & Kooly worked on the "chain gang" detail to "intro" Pounce
with the expectations of being part of a gang
June 27 day off
June 28 Kooly and Daisy ran a "send back stand alone" Y-drill
June 29 trained again today to give Pounce a break between her two setups,
both ran seven "stand alone send back" singles in tandem at the Square Pond DTA
June 30 - July 2 a few days off = warm and busy
July 3 trained at Stoughton after group training with Pounce - Daisy and
Kooly ran several stand alone, send back water singles
July 4 day off
July 5 went to the Mississippi River camp and did several water retrieves off the bank near trailer......Daisy worked with Pounce (taking turns honoring)
July 6 day off, home from camp in the morning
July 7-8 two days off
July 9 Kooly & Daisy rode along with Pounce for her training day and they
spent free time running around checking the area out, on a side note - Kooly's summer alergy issues have begun to take their toll making me wonder whether or not to start "preds" with him
July 10 Daisy & Kooly went with me after Pounce's training session to pick-up the remaining gear and each did three retrieves (tandem exercise/fun)
July 11 again Pounce's water session at Thorson Pond both did one water
retrieve from a pile and then several tandem (alternating turns) short water retrieves thru the tall cover on the pond plus a few across the ditch to the east (exercise - keeping shape for hunting season and fun)
July 12-13 two days off
July 14 Daisy & Kooly ran seven singles at the Roscoe Riverside Park
July 15-16 two days off...... Frontline Plus on the 15th
July 17too late....too hot (air conditioner went out in the "dog van")
July 18 almost too warm at 7 am....however, both got a couple of short
singles during and a run up an erosion strip after Pounce worked swim-by (in the 90's today)
July 19 day off
July 20 Daisy & Kooly ran six singles at the Roscoe Riverside Park DTA
July 21 day off
July 22 Kooly & Daisy did eight short singles at the Winnebgp Countgy DTA during the wait time for a dump truck to clear the area of Pounce's marking
setup - good exercise
July 23-24 two days off
July 25 Kooly & Daisy ran four singles at the Square pond DTA
July 26 Kooly & Daisy ran a short Y-drill at the Roscoe Riverside Park DTA
July 27 day off
July 28 Kooly and Daisy ran a set of six singles in tandem
July 29-30 two days off
July 31 Kooly and Daisy ran six singles in tandem retrieving mallards
Aug 1 Kooly & Daisy four singles in tandem at Thorson pond (very brief
window of time to train)
Aug 2 day off
Aug 3 Daisy & Kooly ran several stand alone singles as I walked around picking up the setup from Pounce's handling session
Aug 4 both did several singles after Pounce's session at Riverside Park
Aug 5-6 two days at Fish/Duck camp (Mississippi River)
Aug 7 Daisy & Kooly ran seven longer singles in tandem at Riverside Park
Aug 8 Both ran three longer than usual singles at Riverside Park
Aug 9 both ran two long lines on Pounce "Star Drill" (see link below)
note:just to get in a little exercise
Aug 10-11 two days off
Aug 12 Kooly & Daisy did six tandem "stand alone/send back" singles
Aug 13 both did six more singles - exercise
Aug 15-16 two days off &middle of the month Frontline Plus
Aug 17 Kooly & Daisy ran Pounce's KRD (exercise & break for Pounce)
Aug 18 Kooly & Daisy ran six singles cday off
Aug 19-20 both spent two days at duck camp
Aug 21 Kooly & Daisy trained at Thorson Pond.....Daisy ran a "two dogs at the line drill" with Pounce, schooling her on being steady, taking turns (honoring) with real mallards (at thirty yards), duck calling, shotgun primer
reports and the "No Retrieve" concept......Daisy did an excellent session as
Pounce "worked it out".....went well.......Kooly's "job" was to remain in his
crate and vocally complain as an additional distraction.....and he put a great deal of effort into this after realizing I was not going to stop him
Aug 22 day off
Aug 23 Kooly and Daisy ran five singles in tandem as I walked around picking up Pounce's KRD setup (Roscoe Riverside Park DTA)
Aug 24-5 two days off
Aug 26 Daisy & Kooly ran several walking singles when picking up Pounce's "Star Drill" setup
Aug 27 day off
Aug 28 both did six walking singles with mallards at the Winnebago County DTA provide a break between Pounce's singles and set of blinds
Aug 29 day off
Aug 30 Kooly & Daisy ran the same 3-peat blinds that Pounce has been doing except they were "cold" - Daisy was sharp & Kooly was very slow
note: Kooly's energy level was way down and might be a sign of his aging and/or weight loss
Aug 31-Sept 3 four days off, too hot and asphalt driveway maintenance
Sept 4 several fun bumpers in tandem out into the swift current of the
Rock River
Sept 5-7 three days off, too hot
Sept 8-11 duck camp & teal hunting
note: Daisy went on a scouting trip and hunted one morning
note: Kooly went on two boat rides one of which was with
Pounce where they ran a lot on a main channel beach
check Pounce's SeptemberJournal for specifics and photos
Sept 12, 13 two days off
Sept 14 both ran four walking singles (leap frog style) after Pounce ran two
cold blinds
Kooly & Daisy - Maintenance & Preparation
for the
2015-16 Illinois Duck & Goose Hunting Season
(Kooly - 13 years old & Daisy - 11 years old)