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monthly training session analysis through June 30th tentative testing schedule
trained - 26 days starts 7/16 - AKC Senior
time off from training - 4 days
morning & afternoon (two sessions) - 10 days
group training - 5x's.......4 more before first Senior test
June 1 trained fairly early at the Roscoe Riverside Park DTA and in ankle high grass....but the county mowers were out and today's ideal cover will be much shorter tomorrow.....Pounce ran another set of "Flip Flop" doubles in a different area with a cross wind........this went well, then planted three blinds to run though both sides of the setup and past the initial running line. Pounce kind of "ping ponged" the concept of driving past the white bucket/line of the first set of through that and the next two blinds were a big improvement (over the first)
note: Daisy & Kooly ran a set of 6 singles giving Pounce a rest before her blinds,
picked up and drove by the house to drop the two older dogs off...loaded the "Weed Whacker" to "re-do" the specifically trimmed weeds on a corner of Thorson Pond. Then Pounce ran a few angle entry/exits...well done = great progress and a good transition. Lastly, Pounce did one very nice "back/place" cast to the north side of Thorson Pond to begin a "cool" water single retrieving back across to the south and out into a corn day.
note: HeartgardPlus to all
Hillmann's concept of "The Game" begins rather simply with a young pup and evolves into a process where complicated games become just as much fun..."The Big Game". For example, a few days ago Pounce was "asked" to take a "back/place" command across the pond where there was no visible bucket or sign of a distant line. Pounce was a bit confused but received a few persistent verbal repeats of "back/place". She then seemed to physically say, "OK, if you say so. I trust you." Her swimming speed picked up and a couple of verbal "goods" seemed to "seal the deal". When on the shoreline, a whistle sit "set the table" for the single mark and her expectations of a rewarding and exciting game were validated. Today was the 2nd time I gave her a "back/place" command and lined her to a unmarked position....she was "good to go".
note: Earlier this month Pounce ran singles from north side and south side
of this pond "breaking" through the same tall shoreline cover. She knows easy, "short grassy" terrain is only a quick turn left away. This is another "Show Me
What You Want Setup"......and she can handle (if necessary). Handling is less likely to be required and easier to employ with "clear pictures". With repetition and practice the expectation is solidified.
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June 16 54th Wedding Anniversary.....Bev is taking care of our Granddaughter and two Great Granddaughters (daycare is now one of her new our recreations) and I will attend the weekly group training session this afternoon with Pounce (pretty sure I know who has the easier "chore") this morning Pounce ran a "parallel single" at Thorson Pond off the peninsula ("whacked" the tall weeds yesterday)......then went to the Roscoe Retention Pond DTA for three down-the-shore singles in the "stand alone/send back" mode
note: parallel "swim" went well..."Down The Shores" need more work
note: there was a "pod of pelicans on the pond"
June 12 trained late morning with temperatures in the upper "sixties".....a brief respite between yesterday's and tomorrow's "nineties".....started to make an adjustment in training strategies. Training alone while often using the "stand alone" technique greatly reduces "line time" repetitions which in turn has a significant negative impact on establishing quality expectations. Therefore, twice a week Pounce will be doing the "Line Time Drill". The "package" is now in place (no pun intended) and includes three close remote wingers (in a
pod") with "noise" plus primer reports, three different "places" at the line (place boards and mats), using "bumper in mouth" tactics plus a duck call and a holding blind (or two). In addition, sessions will be "primed with excitement" using Hillmann's "The Game" concept.
note: This morning was the first "go". Pounce ran it twice by moving the line. It
went so well there is no reason to change anything. The plan is to do this
twice a week until she begins testing....then once a week for maintenance.
note: The rationale is to increase her responsiveness, focus, control and improve
"our" precision and teamwork at the line.
June 13 this morning began with cool "temps"....decided to "repeat" the "line time drill" in the "New Area" and add blinds....first setup was three singles and one blind then moved the line about 45° and closer for another three singles..picked everything up and ran two blinds to the's focus was again on "line Time" using the same "ideas" as yesterday
note: Pounce's marking and "line time" was very good....blinds....not so much
note: Pounce is having "issues" with lining past cover that "opens up" and
"sucks" into the open area going off line and behind the cover
note: using more than one mat plus the "bumper in mouth" technique has
changed her expectations.......i.e. not rushing ahead to the mat, not
moving her feet, holding bumpers better and focusing longer on the fall
note: did not touch her evening meal.....1st time ever, dumped it out and gave
her a half a cup dry food at 11 pm....she ate that = day off tomorrow
note: last (and 1st) heat cycle began about March 16th that's only 4 months ago
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June 7 forecast - cool day...up early and Pounce did an extended session in the yard working on off lead heeling (both sides) over, around, past a "line mat" and "placeboard"
note: walking at heel to the line off lead will be "walking to the line at heel" off lead
afternoon (still cool) - drove to the "new place" and Pounce ran nine walking singles using a mallard and primer pistol......the advantage of running marks in this manner is there is no energy "spent" on returns, ten singles in terms of distance run is the same as five normal presentations plus Pounce gets a short breather as the handler moves to the next "station"
note: eight marks were pinned, one she blew by before "checking back" quickly
Kooly & Daisy ran seven short singles in tandem giving Pounce a breather before her blinds
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Loaded up Pounce, Daisy and Kooly at 4 pm and headed to the "New Area" for our weekly group training session. Pounce did a walk-up single. Then a double was delayed by a winger issue. As luck would have, the setup was "straddling" a setup we did earlier in the week and Pounce was looking for that mark in two places. The bind was kind of "hacky". The ducks were "very well used" and she was "picky"/hesitant about dealing with that. PLUS too loose at the line. That's why we were there!
note: Brought out Daisy to check on something I was having trouble coming to grips
with. A short winger mallard single below the tree line with noise revealed not
hearing the noise and and not seeing the duck. Seeing, hearing and age issues
have surfaced. There have been several hints. Can't ignore it anymore. We
did turn around and get the walk-up single. She didn't like the well used, "old"
mallard either. Kooly is older than Daisy.....he was just along for the ride.
The ride home was spent recalling all the "adventures" Daisy has had over the
past twelve years.
June 17 dogs slept in while I went over to Thorson Pond to trim the south shoreline of the tall weed barrier. Later in the afternoon, Pounce was taken to the pond to run two walk-out blinds in the opposite direction of the single she ran yesterday. She stayed in the water yesterday because of the 1) weed barrier and 2) there was no visible land to tempt/induce cheating ("out of sight - out of mind")...this session had three target goals 1) handle (as many X's as necessary), 2) stay in the water and 3) "keep at it".........mission accomplished....still a lot of work to be done
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at 4 pm, Pounce's weekly group training session had her doing three remote winger, mallard singles and two blinds (bumpers). Her consistent, regular work on blinds is producing quicker whistle sits and handling is becoming much more of a teamwork focus.......more predictable.
note: It is an atmosphere of a large number of cars/trucks, handlers & retrievers and
she seemed to adjust quickly to the distractions of group training.
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June 8 today marks the beginning of three times a week "day care" for our two great granddaughters and they join our granddaughter (that we are permanently raising). Did not
train this morning because another PVC gate had to be designed, fabricated and installed for "crowd control"......I am the "Gate Keeper".
Pounce and I "slipped out" at 4 pm to run three blinds at the Roscoe Riverside Park DTA.
note: good session...Responsiveness, focus and control are excellent. Now it
becomes consistent, correct practice plus gradual increases in measured
degrees of difficulty. The rationale continues to be driven by emphasizing
a steady, seamless process "laced" with a great deal of fun.
note: The "tail end" of today's last blind was across a small gravel road that
circles the park.Traffic is rare. I did not see the slow moving truck until it
was about between Pounce and the blind. A whistle sit was blown with
Pounce about 120 yards into the blind. The driver was in no hurry and
either curious or just being cautious while Pounce just sat there looking
right at me. Several seconds later the truck was "clear" and Pounce took
the next cast of about 25 yards right to the blind. "Good girl!"
June 9 Pounce trained "In the Yard" when it was lead OB with a "place mat", "placeboard" and bumper in an excited Hillmann style session. The primary focus was to make it so the "line" in training or testing is a position we arrive at together. To form this expectation many "reps" where paying attention to where I am going is driven by the "heel"
command. Positioning while at "heel" and sitting/stopping is a "teamwork set of actions".
note: A description of Pounce's expectation/standard is "I'm with him."
note: today's weather forecast changed and high temperatures were delayed which meant we were attending the group training session at "The New
Area".......then thunderstorms moved in....waited until 5:30 pm and made a quick run over to the Roscoe Riverside Park DTA.....Pounce ran two short, "stand alone walk back", "flip-flop" doubles and four short singles
then got wet in the Rock River....really likes the water and strong current
June 10 the warm-up is today in the 90's - trained very early in "the yard" and worked on her
"off lead" OB with respect to walking "to a line" identified by a place mat (used two). Kept session in high energy via the use of Hillmann's "The Game"....the expectation is do not get on any mat until I say "Place" and repeatedly we walked by, between and sometimes right over them until they were no longer the focal point. This was her best session to date and her focus is now on "me" rather than the "need" to get started with what she values most by rushing to the mat....."action out there and a retrieve".
note: now it becomes a case of consistently expecting, accepting and repeating
the standard....."This is what I do because it is all I know."
middle 80's around noon and all three dogs were taken to Thorson Pond (five minute drive) parked in the shade and Pounce ran three long entry exit cheating lines across a corner and then a single one in reverse.....focused, comfortable and accurate with excellent responses to the few slight angle adjustments made.....back in the van in front of a fan she cooled off
note: Daisy and Kooly were given several water retrieves......swimming singles
are ideal in the heat......especially with their age
Pounce came back out to run two water singles from a "remote, cast to line" on the other side of the pond........this was a quick, efficient training session and ideal with the heat
note: at 1:30 pm it is 88°F headed for 90° to feel like 95°F
June 11 going to be a hot one.......but was able to train early (not a normal Saturday) trained at the new area and used a "semi-mobile, flip/flop" remote wingers design so that Pounce could run three sets of short doubles each with a blind..........thought it out carefully and it went extremely wingers slightly and ran from three triangularly placed lines....did not know there was a shallow water area to the south....Pounce got muddy...then drove a few miles to the Winnebago County DTA...."cooled off and cleaned up" in the pond with a familiar parallel swim (pond is low and lunging water is now "more than normal")
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June 26 morning trip to "Duck Camp" on the Mississippi River - completed sale of Shasta trailer. On the way drove by the Winnebago County DTA to check on grass height - It is mowed! Pounce ran a 125 yard blind using the technical pond.
note: group training session will be at this DTA tomorrow - forecast 85°F 15mph wind
took a break from cleaning out trailer and threw Pounce several singles (from the bank by the trailer) out into a thick American Lotus bed. This was a new exposure and it challenged her persistence. Got side-tracked some because it all looks the same once in but did really well on the handling (mostly just let her sort it out). Later, after business with the trailer was completed, she was given a few more retrieves......much better initial lines and her nose works really well.
June 27 trained early at Thorson late afternoon group training session. Pounce ran a water double with a blind - remote wingers behind holding blinds with mallards and the blind
was through a "wall of weeds........picked up and moved to the "south grassy area" and ran the two older dogs (Daisy & Kooly) for exercise....the Pounce ran four short land blinds with a focus on "handling close to the finish".......lastly, drove to Riverside Park for Pounce to run the "wind factor" blind.....which she lined.......finished before 8 am.....still fairly cool
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June 18 late morning trip to Duck/Fish camp on the Mississippi River - bringing "stuff" home
and sold the trailer......this was not an easy just became a question of priorities, age and being years of hunting and fishing out of the Fin & Feather Camp are going to be remembered as a great experience.....time well spent
June 19 unload the is full of "stuff" with more to remove from the trailer......need to have a decoy sale and probably sell the Migrator........88°F at 3:30 pm and a day off from training
note: My son came over to visit for Father's Day and soon asked "Do you want
to play chess?" I am fairly certain he did not let me win and now knows not
to castle too early and what a castled, king side pawn attack looks like.
June 20 sunny, hot day with 90°F for the high....left early and home at 9 pm...Pounce ran three short "stand alone/walk back" doubles at the Rockton Road DTA........drove to Thorson Pond
and did one "send back place/walk back" water double
note: last day of regularly seeing white stickmen in the field, wingers and
gunners not easily seen (use cover/shrubs or "camo" holding blinds)
note: Kooly & Daisy ran several short land singles (exercise)
June 21 trained early in the morning at Kelly-Meyer DTA and ran three remote winger doubles "Around the Horn" each with a concept blind........used a holding blind to hide the wingers and
use a flat and angled back pattern on each (3" orange bumpers) blinds were "under the arc", tight to the holding blind and "through an old fall"
note: steady and focused at the line........marked really well (lined every one)
and was responsive on the blinds
Pounce went to her 1:15 pm X-Ray appointment for OFA hips/elbows and a PennHIP evaluation
note: vet's initial "look" was very positive
June 22 forecast of severe thunderstorms changed and most went south, 3 hour early morning "window" and trained at the Rockton Sport Complex......Pounce's setup was three "doubles and a blind" in the "Around the Horn" mode......plenty of "line time" and used 3" orange bumpers
note: the wingers are hidden (somewhat) behind a "camo" holding blind
note: moving away from the "white coat gunner" standard with hidden "guns"
note: there has been an immediatate improvement in straight lines to the AOFs
and Pounce is more focused
note: Daisy and Kooly ran several short singles for exercise
drove to Thorson Pond and Pounce ran three down the shore cold blinds through tall, shoreline cover on the far side.......good focus in the water, sitting patiently for the next cast, good "mo" and very responsive plus she has begun to turn back to me both ways. This makes for more flexibility when handling (having left or right turn back casts)....and it is predictable
note: there was another noticeable addition to her skill level...taking very good
casts/lines at an angle to the shoreline (down-the-shore)
note: there are 4-5 short cover slots on the far side but all three blinds require
"punching" thru a tall wall of shoreline cover
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Pounce in the Mississippi River near "Toad Island" at two and a half months old.
June 3 Friday morning - dogs are "sleeping in", worked early cleaning out the "duck boat" for next week's trip to fish/duck camp.....then decided everyone had the day off from training.
note: The following, older photo is from when Pounce was very young.
Tomorrow she will no longer be a puppy (two years old June 4th).
"Pounce's mallard water blind"
late afternoon training group - Winnebago County DTA - 84°F with 14 mph NNW wind
Pounce ran a double with two blinds.......too excited at the line.....marked "lights out" and ran the long blind well.....until I failed to see that she was actually short of the pile (my depth perception "sucks")....spent quite a bit of time on lead, near the action afterwards
June 28 trained Pounce in the morning with with the specific purpose of developing a yard drill to deal with a lack of "line time" precision - use two mallards, two place boards
and the Dogtra "beeper/duck call" electronics - stable sit, hold, drop & precise heeling
standards were "'reviewed".....need to tighten up the five yard area at the line......took a video so as to observe from that perspective and observed a noticeable improvement
note: the next step in the process is consistent practice with correct "reps"
every day for the next week and and then every other day
note: eye Dr. Appointment at 1:45 was not particularly good news
June 29 cool day in the 70's & trained Pounce in the morning repeated yesterday's "yard drill" with three ducks......this session was much smoother (better anticipation/timing)
note: focused on proper hold and release of duck (responsiveness)
drove five minutes to Thorson Pond where Pounce did three sets of of "Down the shore" singles each with a blind........use old, soft, sinking mallards in the thick mossy covered water...........repeated "mallard single with a blind blind" three times, with each single farther down the pond
note: after Pounce ran the three "combo" winger single and a blind sets the worst duck was thrown like fun bumpers into the thickest floating
masses of weeds available......sinking ducks "in the slop" at a hunt
test will NOT be an issue (aggressive and persistent)
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tall shoreline cover singles
(see note below)
June 24 - day off
June 25 Saturday morning is not a usual time for training and very HOT this afternoon, went to
Roscoe Riverside Park DTA and trained in an area where mowing has lagged behind (idea cover), setup to run more "line time" practice - three "Around the Horn" doubles each with a blind....after
the second set, the two old dogs (Daisy and Kooly) ran a session of short singles providing a "break" for Pounce.....being able to park in the shade was a very good thing
note: afterwards dropped the dogs off at the house and went to Thorson Pond to do
more "weed whacking", the heat got to me and had to stop (almost finished)
note: from now on Pounce will be retrieving ducks every day
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June 2 trained early in almost perfect weather.....Pounce's 1st setup consisted of a set of four cold blinds in a wide "fan" shaped design, then she ran a drill set of marks perpendicularly to the lines of the blinds (to the east and downwind).....Roscoe Riverside Park DTA
note: the Rock River is about 50 yards away and she cooled off after the blinds
with a few retrieves out into the current and back over a long tree trunk
laying parallel to the shore on a sand bar......then ran Hillmann's "Pin Point"
marking drill in the "stand alone/send back" mode.
June 23 threat of severe thunderstorms last night did not materialize, cool & cloudy this morning,
with a slight mist......trained at Roscoe Riverside Park and the cover (not mowed recently) was perfect......the setup was another " Around the Horn" three doubles with blinds - used two remote wingers at about 75 yards with noise (angled "back & flat".....right & left sides), 3 inch orange bumpers for the marks/blinds......the blinds were through and past the AOFs at 125-150 yards
note: this is a specifically designed "Line Time Drill" establishing, practicing
and focusing on consistent "reps" (Hillmann philosophy)
note: this session was extremely well done by Pounce.....better at the line and with
her she was "fun to run" on the blinds
note: the required skills for running Senior (land and water) are now well in place
and a "visit" to Entry Express will soon be next
the two old dogs" Daisy and Kooly ran several singles in tandem.....for exercise......suddenly the cloud cover disappeared and it became "hot" quickly........good timing
attended evening training group session - took only Pounce & ran a walk-up, two singles and two blinds. I can see some improvements and we both really need a weekly group training.
June 14 day off from training - Pounce's temperature was normal & ate her food
note: awhile ago I received a sample of SportzDog food supplements at the
Hillmann seminar.....Kooly was the test subject having just put him
back on "Preds" for his annual spring skin issues and he was not eating
well (loosing weight").....he had a rather dramatic turn around and
yesterday all three dogs are having the supplement added to their food
June 15 trained early at Roscoe Riverside Park DTA - did lining setups so as to condition
Pounce to not "succumb" to the suction of terrain opening up to one side did left and right "suctions" then cooled off in the Rock River
note: when placing the setup a hen mallard flushed with the broken wing
"trick".......there was a nest of eggs and the astute county mower left an
undisturbed strip of cover
note: Kooly and Daisy then "did" several retrieves from the river for exercise
Pounce then came back out for a brief session of Hillmann's "Pin Point Marking Drill" {again cooling off in the river), drove home stopping only to "retrieve" the "weed whacker", went to Thorson Pond and trimed a section of the shoreline that forms a small point - when finished, Pounce did a very good parallel to the shore swim......warm this afternoon (90°F)
note: group training is tomorrow afternoon..forecast is for a high of 77° F
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note: mark #2 is 73 yards
mid-afternoon (with severe storms this evening) Pounce was taken to the Roscoe Riverside Park DTA to setup a special pattern blind to use in dealing with strong cross winds. It will be run east west to take advantage of either a south or north wind factor. The area is wide open.
It only took one session to establish it by starting at 100 yards and eventually arriving across a gravel road at the rivers edge (in three more increments). Not all that long (228 yards) but wide open terrain where a strong wind will have a meaningful impact.
note: straight as an arrow and fast each time
June 5 late morning training began at the Rockton Road DTA - Pounce did eight, moderately long walking singles (from one end to the other and back), drove a few miles to Thorson Pond where she did more work on cheating by lining (angle entry/exits) across a corner of the pond - really becoming more consistent, comfortable and responsive to casts that are
contrary to her penchant for up Daisy and Kooly did several water retrieves and a few short marks on land (mostly for exercise), "pushed" it a bit more today
note: Pounce came back out and was sent on a "back/place" command to the other
side of the pond to run a single across and up into the bean field
June 6 trained in the afternoon at the "New Place" - Pounce ran three remote winger singles
and then three blinds were set out. She was sharp and I was very pleased with the way her
blind skills are progressing....loopy sits are gone, sits patiently for casts and takes what is up are learning to carry lines longer and more experience with factors
Loaded up the equipment for a short drive to the Winnebago County DTA where Pounce ran a channel blind plus a multiple entry exit single.
note: Kooly and Daisy did several short singles in tandem for a good workout.
June 4 trained in the afternoon - Pounce ran five retrieves in a set of "Ya-Ha" singles starting at 100 yards out to 200 yards. Ran "downwind" in perfect cover. Moved the "Kwick Van" west a bit on the gravel path bordering the Rock River and used the river to cool off. This provided a bit of experience with a downed tree obstacle and swift current. The shallow water made it safe plus took her collar off. Last was a short drive to Thorson Pond for three remote winger singles.
note: Daisy and Kooly did several exercise retrieves from the pond.
June 30 mid-morning trained at Thorson Pond = three remote winger singles with mallards working on "line" standards followed by "running" a pile of three mallards again working on line and delivery expectations.....Pounce then cooled off with a long bumper single down the middle of the pond........Daisy and Kooly ran a few singles (wet exercise)
group training session at 4 pm this afternoon & Pounce "revealed" that the recent focus in her training sessions is working.........very positive vibes a great way to end July.....just ran three singles and two blinds.....calm in the holding blind, focused at the line and marked well....on the blinds she did everything I asked her to, but my recent vision issue in one eye has my depth perception "out of whack".....advice was to just handle longer than it looks