The Kwick Recall
Training plan (rest/weather days included)......very, very warm for February!!!!
March and April (several outstanding weather days)
focus: be consistent and precise, enhance responsiveness, practice and
challenge while incrementally presenting a "theme" of concept marks
plus continue to do daily "yard work" sessions AND eliminate animation
at the line
√Feb 8 resumed training after flu...warm-up walk/run and easy wagon wheel (exercise)
√Feb 9 cold....ran two short Y-drills and a blind (more exercise)
√Feb 10 warmer...ran short 85 yard three pile "split lining/casting" drill (more exercise)
√Feb 11 two sets of "three peat" cold, concept blinds & the "Pin Point" marking drill
√Feb 12 ran two Key Relationship Drills (KRD) = a single with "tight behind gunner",
"under the arc", "wide behind gunner" and "wide of the fall" concept blinds
√Feb 13 did two HRC sets of three singles plus a blind.......wingers with mallards
note: "HRC line setups" = holding blinds, bucket, primer shotgun (and stand),
duck or goose call, wingers, mallards, decoys and the "Gunz Up" CD
note: April water (when, if and do not rush)
√Feb 14 AKC line drill......four mallard singles (close) with a holding blind (line skills)
√Feb 15 day off
√Feb 16 AKC line drill - similar repeat of the 14th
√Feb 17 did two.....two winger AKC "Walk-ups" (practice) and a set of four blinds
note: start practicing three shots with the HRC pump (left shoulder issues)
√Feb 18 did "Pin-Point" marking drill & "AKC" walk-up WATER double with a blind
√Feb 19 two AKC setups (doubles with mallards and blinds, "Flip-Flop", land/water)
√Feb 20 ran the Three Pile Modified Lining/Casting Drill & 9 cheating singles (water)
√Feb 21 ran "schooled" water triple, three blinds and three land blinds (different DTA)
√Feb 22 one more warm day - multiple "Walk-up Drill".....and water "channel" work
note: first, early indications of heat cycle
√Feb 23-25 days "in the tank" & "time for a break"
√Feb 26 nine walking singles and a two tiered "Wagon Wheel"
√Feb 27 two remote winger "Walk-ups" with mallards & two HRC doubles (Flip-Flop)
√Feb 28 Pounce worked three sets of three marks in an "At The Line Drill".
√Mar 1 three sets of "Line Drill" with one triple and blinds (last - "poison")
√Mar 2 day off - snow & cold
√Mar 3 two sets of ABC singles with mallards..."Flip & Flop" and three bliinds
√Mar 4 two sets of three marks (singles first, then a triple) mallards for marks
and "camo" bumpers for the blinds.....moved the line
√Mar 5 two KRD's with four concept blinds in each
√Mar 6 did three "engaging" sets of the "Line Drill" with short, concept blinds and
then a set of three long, cold, mallard blinds
√Mar 7 repeated Mar 6th's three blinds & setup of four singles with three blinds
√Mar 8 day off.....high wind advisory (good timing)
note: first hunt test two months away (AKC Senior)
√Mar 9 two sets of the "Line Drill" (physically easy sessions, mentally challenging)
√Mar 10 two "check down" Doubles with blinds & "Pin-Point" Marking drill
√Mar 11 three sets of the "Line Drill" with mallards plus blinds
√Mar 12 two AKC Senior land setups with mallards
√Mar 13 day off (snow) did a few indoor "reps" on the HRC "bucket"
√Mar 14 Pounce did a lot of indoor "reps" on the HRC "bucket" plus a YouTube
√Mar 15 Modified Come-In Drill....then shared some alternating singles with Daisy
√Mar 16 two AKC doubles with 3 blinds after the 1st and 1 after the 2nd (repeats)
√Mar 17 HRC "Line Drills" (four wingers) and a set of four blinds
note: no rain for the next several days (day off ?)
√Mar18 two AKC triples with two concept blinds in each
√Mar 19 three HRC "Line Drills" (four remote launchers) with "camo" bumpers
√Mar 20 one set of four singles (AKC) with two concept blinds
√Mar 21-2 two days off
√Mar 23 two HRC "Line Drills" and a set of "Walking Singles"
√Mar 24 three AKC singles & a set of four "repeat" blinds
√Mar 25 run two KRD each with four concept blinds
√Mar 26 two "In Line" doubles (AKC line) and run a casting/lining drill
√Mar 27 three HRC "Line Drills" and a set of "Walking Singles" (different area)
√Mar 28 setup an HRC Finished land session (including decoys)
√Mar 29, 30 two days off.....van repair and then rain
√Mar 31"Walking Singles" and an inline/check down double
√April 1 two "In Line" doubles with a blind using remote wingers..."Flip-Flop" mode
√April 2 ran four 120° "gun swing" HRC "Line Drill" triples
√April 3 rain - day off (Monday)
√April 4 "Flip-Flop" set of ABC singles with mallards at the Y-Property
√April 5 another rain day off
√April 6 set of nine walking singles, the "Markless HRC Line Drill"
and a "hill terrain" lining drill (two different DTA's)
√April 7 set of walking singles and the "Markless HRC Line Drill"
in different areas
√April 8 ran HRC Seasoned Land & Water test simulations
√April 9 two KRDs with four concept blinds & a water lining drill
√April 10 Monday - HRC "Markless Line Drill" with mallards, a water
casting drill reviewing "swim-by" expectations & exposure
to "very much less than ideal" soggy, sinking mallards
note: plus 1st spring, late afternoon training group
√April 11, 12 two days off
√April 13 ran "HRC Markless Line Drill" and a KRD......evening Group Training
√April 14, 15, 16 three days off - Pounce in heat, trainer "under the weather"
√April 17 ran four walkups and a set of four HRC singles + diversion
did not attend Monday training group
√April 18 ran the "Four-Peat" blinds and the Five Bumper Water
Lining Drill (first time)
√April 19 rain was "later", ran the "HRC Line Drill" twice and did
nine walking singles (with two "themes")
√April 20 ran the "HRC Line Drill" with complications (challenged)
Did not attend Thursday, late afternoon training group.
Lyah's first grade class had a musical program.
√April 21 ran "longish" KRD, walking singles & water lining drill
√April 22 ran the "HRC Line Drill" - 3 walk-ups & singles, triple and
diversion......went to water and did seven walking singles
√April 23 Did a set of several walk around, send over, down the
shore mallard singles....sunny, 70°F
This is the "S mallard drill". (drill means not just done once)
√April 24 morning....ran "HRC Line Drill" (singles then triple) plus
water blind Monday - late afternoon training group (double + blind)
√April 25 "AKC line drill" - close, mallard multiples - "reps" + blind
√April 26 day off...rain, picked up two flyer mallards then drove to
Janesville, Wi and bought season window sticker for parks (DNR)
required to train (permit required) and test at Bong Rec. Area
√April 27 Y-Property - shot two mallard "flyers" and ran three blinds
√April 28 Y-Property - ran four doubles using the "Flip-Flop" & two long blinds
√April 29 AKC line drill with two triples each with a "walk-up"
√April 30 two hour break in the rain - Pounce did eight walking singles
alternating with eight was time to exercise Daisy.
for the month - 22 days training and 8 days off (still in heat)
√May 1 AKC triple plus blind - precise "reps" at the line (practice)
√May 2,3,4 days off....heat cycle peaking = very "ditzy"
note: scratched from 6/7 Wilmington AKC Senior test
√May 5 lining casting drill & easy review of water no cheating next seven days
in the low 60's with rain Tues
√May 6 two "walk-up" doubles with blinds plus six walking singles around a
small technical pond
√May 7 "Flip Flop" 2 sets of 2 walk-up doubles (land & water)
√May 8 mid-day set of land walking singles & four cold blinds, no afternoon
training group, ran two blinds & Y-Drills
√May 9 scouting & five water singles at the Sand Ponds DTA
√May 10 two Senior setups with mallards (land & water)
√May 11 "AKC Line Drill" (mallards) plus water setup(s), then training group
√May 12 repeated long blind from last night, did "AKC Line Drill" three walk-ups,
then triple (mallards)...finished with a 4 bumper, "cheaty" water lining drill
√May 13 Fox Valley AKC Senior test at Bong (Wis)
√May 14 day off
√May 15 lunging water "answers" at the Retention Pond DTA
√May 16 morning, six lunging water singles & afternoon training group - water
double with a blind and honor
√May 17 easy, upbeat yard work session
√May 18 yard-work line time session - "Iverson Drill" (1st time), then a water
handling drill and the late Thursday afternoon training group session
(double and two blinds)
√May 19 rain most of the day, did squeeze in "Iverson Drill" late
√May 20 rain until about 4 pm, did two Flip-Flop doubles + blinds
√May 21 Valders AKC Senior test (Wis) = pass #4
√May 22, 23 two days off
√May 24 did enhanced version of the "Iverson Drill" (practice)
√May 25 repeated "drill" (more of the same) & four water singles
√May 26 three-peat "drill" (some changes) & water handling drill
√May 27 to the line "Practice" and a continuation of water "work"
√May 28 Sunday - day off
√May 29 "tune-up" drill, three "down-the-shore" singles & blind
√May 30 "Iverson" yard drill & training group double with blinds
√May 31 five blinds and four "walking/send back" singles - water
√June 1 day off other things to attend to
√June 2 "Pin Point" marking drill, "schooled" triple & blind
√June 3 early Sunday "Iverson Drill", four water blinds afternoon
√June 4 reversed yesterday's blinds, "water barrage" Four Lakes
√June 5 "schooled" triple + blind, six "send/back" water singles
√June 6 afternoon training group - double (mallards), two blinds and an honor
√June 7 morning yard-work = "The Dozen Drill"
√June 8 van to mechanic's, did extended "yard-work" (warm day) and did a set
of "solo" water singles (no group session)
√June 9 two sets of four inline singles
√June 10 day off....very HOT this week !!!
√June 11 early yard-work "Line Drill"
√June 12 "All-in-One" Triple + blind and 3 down the shore blinds
√June 13 two water doubles with blinds.....early
√June 14, 15 two days off - hot and no air-conditioning
√June 16 two longer doubles with blinds and two water singles
√June 17 in the morning...."The Yard Drill"
√June 18 long land blind - 375 yards, water blind double entry/exit and four
"down-the-shore" singles ("stand alone/send back")
√June 19 three prong "flip/flop" sets of ABCD singles (two land & one water)
√June 20 reviewed "cheaty" standards morning, group training afternoon - poison
single plus short double with blind
√June 21 day off
√June 22 "hidden" winger "walk-ups" with "poison" blinds
√June 23 two long doubles (one with blind), long water single and a new set of long
"three peat" blinds
√June 24 repeated yesterday's (the three blinds) in combination with
singles in a small "group effort" (very "neat" session)
√June 25 day off
√June 26 focused on in-lines & did two sets plus a water double
√June 27 "in-lines" set of three after an "under", a channel blind
revisit and a set of four, "initial line" water blinds
√June 28 day off rain
√June 29 two sets of 4 & 3 mallard in-lines plus one blind with water
√June 30 day off
√July 1 simulated hunt test/training day - Madison
Retriever Club - pro trainer Core Zandonai
√July 2 ten "reps" Line Drill - Thorson Pond/Land DTA
√July 3 ten "reps" Line Drill - Harrison DTA
√July 4 set up "single point blind", did another ten "reps" Line Drill
and one long water blind (at Gallagher)
√July 5 day off - "weed whack" section of shoreline at Thorson Pond
√July 6 set of five land singles (ABCDE in-lines) + water double with a
a blind
√July 7 yard-work "reps" on the "step back" expectation
√July 8 push/pull yard-work, three repeats of a four
launcher "Line-Drill"....water
√July 9 five "down the shore" blinds
√July 10 Iverson Drill (more complex)
√July 11 double + blind (land), 2 singles + blind (water)
√July 12 day off
√July 13 two mallard doubles with blinds, new "point blind" plus a
group training session
√July 14 easy, fun water barrage (exercise)
√July 15 group training session
√July 16 worked on "poison bird" expectations (water)
√July 17 ran expanded point blinds, did two flyer doubles
√July 16 two blinds at Thorson Pond DTA, ran the point blinds Harrison
DTA, later group double + two blinds
√July 17 ran Gallagher point blind plus 4 more lines, two doubles with
mallard flyers and blinds
√July 18 two blinds at Thorson DTA, point blinds at Harrison DTA, group
training double with blind
√July 19 Harrison DTA – Hillmann's "Pin-Point" marking drill (6 singles),
3 lines to a "point blind", two channel blinds at Four Rivers DTA
√July 20 “Flip-Flop" doubles (land & water) mallards plus water blind
√July 21 brief, fun and high energy yard drill
√July 22AKC hunt test - 5th pass & Senior title
√July 23 very special day for Pounce (both of us)
√July 24 day off
√July 25 did a Cap-E session plus a group training
√July 26 day off
√July 27 Cap-E yard-work session
√July 28 day off
√July 29 intro to "Hip Pocket" double
√July 30 day off
√July 31 new "point blind" & hip pocket double lesson
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Pounce's Flexible Training Plans - The Summary